The IVAM opens tomorrow 30th of May ‘The Power with which we Leap Together’.
May 29, 2024
‘The Power with which we Leap Together. Women artists in Spain and Portugal between Dictatorship and Democracy’ explores the work of women artists in the 1960s and 1970s in Spain and Portugal. Both countries suffered long dictatorships that promoted a traditional view of women, conceived as wives and mothers and deprived of many legal rights. Although in both cases there were early feminist initiatives of a clandestine nature, it was not until the beginning of democracy in the mid-1970s that second-wave feminism developed in the Iberian Peninsula.
The exhibition proposes to re-evaluate the work of the Spanish and Portuguese artists of the time, taking into account their specificities with respect to the Anglo-Saxon model and underlining the multiple parallels that can be found between them. It will also be an opportunity to investigate possible moments of exchange and encounter between artists from both countries.
Among the different artists that make up the exhibition, we highlight works by our artists: Concha Jerez, Marisa González, Elena Asins and Ángela García Codoñer.
Curated by Patricia Mayayo and Giulia Lamoni.
Exhibition coproduced with : Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian