Group exhibition at El Born CCM.

Group exhibition at El Born CCM.

View of the solo exhibition Tot caminant entre idees. Walking through ideas at Estrany de la Mota Art Advisors.

View of the solo exhibition Tot caminant entre idees. Walking through ideas at Estrany de la Mota Art Advisors.

Concha Jerez in Barcelona | Opening of the group exhibition at the Born CCM and guided visit to her solo exhibition at Estrany de la Mota.

November 12, 2022

Opening of the exhibition Un altre fi. La resta. Art I antifranquisme. On November 17 at 7 pm at El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria opens this group exhibition, curated by Nora Ancarola and Amanda Cuesta. Concha Jerez presents a work in relation to the Carabanchel Penitentiary Center for men.

Guided visit to the solo exhibition. Tot caminant entre idees. Walking through ideas. On the occasion of the presence of Concha Jerez in Barcelona, the artist will make a tour of her solo exhibition at the Estrany-de la Mota Art Advisors space (Ptge. de Mercader, 18, 08008 Barcelona). The appointment is on November 18 at 12.30h.