A conversation between Concha Jerez and Fernando Castro this Wednesday at Es Baluard Museu

May 14, 2024

Under the title What's left of conceptualism? the artist Concha Jerez will dialogue with the philosopher, curator and art critic Fernando Castro Flórez at Es Baluard Museum on Wednesday 15 May. 

This talk is part of the series Conversaciones pendientes (Pending conversations) that the Casal Solleric programmes in different spaces of the city. The conversation will take place at 5 pm, in the Espai Educatiu Guillem Cifre de Colonya of Es Baluard Museum.

This is conversation will take place prior to Concha Jerez's solo exhibition entitled 'Interactions', which will be curated by Castro and the general coordinator of Culture and Visual Arts of Palma City Council, Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, which will be inaugurated during the 'Nit de l'Art' on the 21st of September 2024 and will remain until the 7th of January 2025 on the main floor of the Casal Solleric.

More info.