"Trazos Migratorios". 2014-2019. 24 Pieces of cloth hand embroidered.. Unique piece. Dimensions variable.

"Trazos Migratorios". 2014-2019. 24 Pieces of cloth hand embroidered.. Unique piece. Dimensions variable.

"Trazos Migratorios". 2014-2019. 24 Pieces of cloth hand embroidered. Unique piece. Dimensions variable. (Detail)

"Trazos Migratorios". 2014-2019. 24 Pieces of cloth hand embroidered. Unique piece. Dimensions variable. (Detail)

"Datos fríos". 2019. 20 drawings of thread on tracing paper. Installation. Unique piece. Dimensions variable.

"Datos fríos". 2019. 20 drawings of thread on tracing paper. Installation. Unique piece. Dimensions variable.

"Datos fríos". 2019. 20 drawings of thread on tracing paper. Installation. Unique piece. Dimensions variable. (Detail)

"Datos fríos". 2019. 20 drawings of thread on tracing paper. Installation. Unique piece. Dimensions variable. (Detail)

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Detail of the work "Trazos Migratorios" 2014-2019 as part of the "Disipaciones" exhibition

Opening of the exhibition "Disipaciones" within the LZ46 programme.

Opening of the exhibition "Disipaciones" within the LZ46 programme.

Opening of the exhibition "Disipaciones" within the LZ46 programme.

Opening of the exhibition "Disipaciones" within the LZ46 programme.


Gina Arizpe

from April 26, 2019 to May 14, 2019

The exhibition Disipaciones, by the Mexican artist Gina Arizpe (1972) and presented in the LZ46 space at Freijo Gallery, is based on research on the phenomenon of internal migration in Mexico, specifically the rural-urban movement of indigenous women to Mexico City.

The exhibition consists of two installations. The first is titled Cold Data and consists of 20 drawings made on paper (tracing paper) with thread, which show us an abstraction on the official data of the internal migratory movements of the Mexican population. The second installation, Trazos Migratorios (Migratory Traces), is made up of 24 pieces of cloth (called the back of an Indian in Mexico) embroidered by hand by 24 women who work as vendors in the streets of Mexico City.

Gina Arizpe's work in recent years has been an immersion in urban dynamics, revealing those things that tend to remain invisible. This strategy consists of making visible the flaws in social structures. An example of this way of working is, for instance, the Social Bills project, in which Skid Row toured Los Angeles for a while in search of the dispossessed who sleep on the streets to generate exchanges.

In another of her works, In the Street/Covered Body, Gina imitated the bodies of those who sleep where she finds them at night with the sole shelter of a sheet; by showing herself on the floor covered in the same way, Gina Arizpe evidenced these presences.

The artist's work focuses on the search for and questioning of the physical and social limits to which the human body is subjected in contemporary societies. From a committed socio-political position, her production explores peripheral social contexts.

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