"Conectados. Energía y Econciencia" at La Térmica Cultural in Ponferrada
July 8, 2023
Marisa Gonzalez and Álvaro Laiz will be part of the exhibition "Conectados. Energía y Econciencia" at La Térmica Cultural in Ponferrada (León), opening next Friday 14th July.
Opening of 'Memoria D'un Espai Propi. Contemporary Art of the Generalitat Valenciana' at the Museo Del Mar in Santa Pola
July 4, 2023
Maribel Domènech will be one of the artists who will be part of the exhibition that will open at the Museo del Mar in Santa Pola with selected works from the Valencian Contemporary Art Fund on 7 July.
“Mil (allegro) Veces (andante) Mil (allegro)", by Isidoro Valcárcel Medina at Museo Vostell Malpartida
July 1, 2023
The exhibition will remain on view during the months of July and August.
Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares (MNCP) will commemorate this afternoon the 80th anniversary of Felipe Ehrenberg's birth
June 27, 2023
Today at 18h (GMT-6), at the Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares de México, a talk will take place in commemoration of the birth of Felipe Ehrenberg, within the framework of the exhibition Felipe Ehrenberg es popular
VIEW MOREConcha Jerez, appointed "hija predilecta" from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
June 24, 2023
Concha Jerez will be appointed, today 24th June 2023, "hija predilecta" from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Marisa González in the RTVE programme "La radio tiene ojos".
June 21, 2023
On 11 June, an interview with the artist Marisa González was broadcast on the RTVE programme "La radio tiene ojos".
Lecture "Traces of Violence. The German Empire in South West Africa" by Marcelo Brodsky at MNCARS
June 17, 2023
Marcelo Brodsky will give a lecture on Tuesday 20 June on the first genocide of the 20th century as part of the Aníbal Quijano Chair as part of ZIT 9. Relational Ecologies at MNCARS.
José Jiménez’s 'El aprendiz en el sol. Marcel Duchamp y la experiencia estética de la modernidad' official presentation in Madrid’s Circulo de Bellas Artes
June 16, 2023
José Jiménez, Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will present his book El aprendiz en el sol. Marcel Duchamp y la experiencia estética de la modernidad along with artist Concha Jerez and Professor Fernando Castro Flórez, on Monday 19th June in Madrid’s Círculo de Bellas Artes, Sala María Moliner at 19:00.
VIEW MOREExhibition "The World Landscapes Project" by Mateo Maté at the Ulsan Museum in South Korea
June 14, 2023
"The World Landscapes" is a project by the Madrid artist Mateo Maté curated by the Director of Culture and Exhibitions of Casa Asia, Menene Gras Balaguer, and will be on display at the Ulsan Museum in South Korea from June to September of this year.
Raquel Manchado presents today "Misogyny Illustrated Archive" at CICUS, University of Seville
June 13, 2023
Raquel Manchado presents her project "Archivo de Misoginia Ilustrada" (Archive of Illustrated Misogyny) today, Tuesday 13 June at 19.00 at the Centro de Iniciativas Culturales of the University of Seville, where she investigates how graphic humour and other manifestations of popular culture have historically been used to establish and normalise misogyny.
Álvaro Laíz exhibits the project "Memoria de invierno", first grant awarded by the Campocerrado Foundation.
June 7, 2023
The project entitled "Memoria de Invierno", the first grant awarded by the Campocerrado Foundation to Álvaro Laiz, is presented. The exhibition, curated by Belén Poole, will be on view at the Estudio Dodark until 30 June.
Gina Arizpe participates in an exhibition entitled "Voice and Resistance" in Oporto
June 2, 2023
Gina Arizpe participates in the exhibition entitled "Voice and Resistance", curated by Xavier Recio, at RAMPA. The exhibition, which opened on 1 June in Porto, Portugal, will remain open until 16 July.
Maribel Domènech takes part in the exhibition entitled "Textile Grammars. The Construction of Femininity" in the Séneca space.
May 24, 2023
Espacio Séneca in Alicante hosts the exhibition GRAMÁTICAS TEXTILES. The Construction of Femininity, a project curated by María Ortega that exhibits contemporary textile works created by 16 Spanish artists and 1 international artist, all of them of recognised prestige. The artist Maribel Domènech is participating, together with Aurelia Masanet, Ana Musma, Carmen Castañeda, Concha Romeu, Elisa Ortega Montilla, Estefanía Martín Sáez, Lucía Loren, Natalia Auffray, María Muñoz, María Gimeno, María Ortega, Maite Ortega, Sonia Navarro, Susana Guerrero, Sandra Paula Fernández and Yosi Anaya.
Opening of the exhibition "Madrid: Creative Chronicle of the 80s" presented by Fundación Canal, with the participation of Marisa González
May 18, 2023
Today opens the exhibition Madrid: Crónica creativa de los 80 presented by Fundación Canal and curated by PHotoESPAÑA. Marisa González, artist represented by Galería Freijo, will participate.
Artists represented by Galería Freijo take part in exhibition at the Museo Cerralbo
May 16, 2023
From 17 May to 2 July, the Museo Cerralbo will host the exhibition entitled Estuches de Paradojas. Contemporary Art Band. Artists participating: José Iges, Concha Jerez, Pamen Pereira, Esther Ferrer, Los Torreznos, Isidoro Valcárcel and Isidro López-Aparicio.
José Martínez Calvo, gallery owner of Espacio Mínimo, passes away
May 11, 2023
Freijo Gallery joins the grief and condolences for the death of José Martínez Calvo, founder of Espacio Mínimo with Luis Valverde, former President of the Consortium of Spanish Contemporary Art Galleries and member of the Arco Fair Committee. Our sincere condolences to Luis Valverde and family.
Babelia - El País publishes an essay dedicated to the memory of Roberto Fernández Balbuena
May 9, 2023
"The Split Life of the Defender of the Prado" is an essay by Enrique Andrés Ruiz dedicated to the memory of Roberto Fernández Balbuena and his outstanding participation in the protection and custody of the artistic heritage -mainly the great paintings of the Prado Museum- during the Civil War.
Review of the book "Arte sonoro: una indisciplina" by José Iges by Italian sound poet Enzo Minarelli
May 6, 2023
A very disciplined undiscipline
The author (José Iges) is the classic right man in the right place, he directed the Ars Sonora programme with Francisco Felipe for Radio Nacional Dos of Spain from 1985 until 2008, and it was in this guise that I first met him when in 1992 he commissioned me a work to broadcast in the Ciudades Invisibles programme (dedicated to Italo Calvino), a poem that I premiered in the building of the local Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid. He is not only an inveterate populariser but also an established artist, signing works of Sound Art in duo with Concha Jerez or as a soloist. All this to reiterate that he has seen Sound Art, “Arte Sonoro” in Spanish, grow. It is true that the term had already been hovering in the air since the 1960s, I am thinking of Cage or Pierre Schaeffer, but it is equally true that it was only the crucial transition between the analogue and digital eras, let's say roughly in the 1980s, that sanctioned its indisputable affirmation.
VIEW MOREGina Arizpe participates in the exhibition "Fear and Fauna" in Copenhagen
May 4, 2023
Gina Arizpe participates in the exhibition "Fear and Fauna" in Copenhagen, a collaboration between Ariel - Feminisms in The Aesthetics and Dag Hammarskjölds Allé. Other Danish and international artists also participate: Hanni Kamaly, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Karim Boumjimar, Sall Lam Toro, Marina Dubia, Ida Lissner, Gro Sarauw and Anni Garza Lau with Ghost Agency. The exhibition will be open to the public from 4 May to 18 June 2023.
Marisa González | Forthcoming group exhibition at Casa Vicens curated by Menene Gras Balaguer
April 22, 2023
The exhibition Después de la niebla, primeras flores, curated by Menene Gras Balaguer, opens next Tuesday 25 April at Casa Vicens Gaudí. The artist Marisa González, represented by Galería Freijo, will be part of the exhibition together with the artists Alberto Baraya, Ana Nance, Antoni Muntadas, Azuma Makoto, Cecilia Paredes, Hang Sungpil, Javier Garceta, Jean Marie Del Moral, Joan Fontcuberta, Lee Lee Nam, Linarejos Moreno, Lio Min, Manuel V. Alonso, Mari Ito, Marina Núñez, Nicolás Combarro & Wawi Navarroza, Nobuyoshi Araki, Pablo Merchante, Paula Anta, Takashi Murakami, Teresa Esteban and Yasumasa Morimura.